
Our specialists are experts in pediatric kidney transplants, 近年来的存活率非常高.


Our specialists have skills and experience that make us leaders in the nation for both patient outcomes and volume. 呼叫 310-825-6836 了解更多.

If you are a kidney donor, please contact the Living Donor Line at 866-672-5333.

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for pediatric kidney transplant?

The specialists in the UCLA Pediatric Kidney Program have performed more than 900 pediatric kidney transplants, making us one of the highest-volume programs in the country. Thanks to the experience of our kidney transplant surgeons, we consistently lead the nation in both volume and outcomes.

我们关心 for children at every stage of care, from diagnosis through transplantation and recovery. When you choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for your child’s kidney transplant, you benefit from: 

特殊的结果: Our program has some of the best 3-year graft and patient survival rates in the country. Our 3-year graft survival rate is 95% and our survival rate is 100%, 超过88%和98%的全国平均水平.

全面的护理: We understand that, because children are still growing and developing, they need specialized care. Our kidney transplant team collaborates with multiple pediatric specialists to focus on the comprehensive needs of every child, 包括大脑发育, 移植后护理, 以及社会和心理支持. 

在复杂条件下的专业知识: We regularly treat children who have been denied for a transplant at other locations. Our kidney transplant surgeons have the expertise to care for children with complex conditions, such as those who need extensive bladder reconstruction or have rare diseases.

平滑转换: Our goal is to make your child’s care journey as seamless as possible. We have a buddy system and patient support groups in place to connect children with other children and teens who have had a successful transplant. 当时机成熟, we also have a dedicated process to help your child transition smoothly into adult care.

有前途的新方法: Our specialists conduct research and clinical trials so that we can continue to find and develop new treatments in pediatric care. 例如, we’re continuing to advance our techniques in multi-organ transplantations and are investigating the use of new medications, 比如不含类固醇的免疫抑制药物.


当你的孩子需要器官移植时, you want to find them the right match as quickly as possible. 这也是我们的目标.

We offer options to help expand the donor pool and increase the likelihood that your child receives timely treatment. 我们的一些选择包括:

移植免疫遗传学: Our Immunogenetics Center is a World Health Organization reference laboratory for crossmatch testing and HLA typing. 这意味着我们是分析基因的专家, antibodies and tissue so that we can help your child find an excellent donor match.

不相容的供体移植: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we can sometimes perform transplants even when the donor and recipient are not a perfectly compatible pair. 我们是“脱敏”过程的专家,” where we lower certain types of antibodies in the recipient’s blood. This means your child is more likely to accept the donor organ, 进一步扩大捐助范围.

儿童肾脏交换: We are one of the only centers in the nation that offers kidney exchange for children. 自2008年起, 肾脏交换计划 has allowed more children and adults to receive living donor transplants. We achieve this by matching living donors and recipients with other donor/recipient pairs who are a compatible match.


We offer kidney transplants for children whose kidneys have stopped working, 导致肾衰竭. Some of the reasons for pediatric kidney failure can include:



异位肾: 当肾脏在错误的位置时.

马蹄肾: 当两个肾连在一起形成马蹄形时.

肾发育不良: 当肾脏功能不正常或完全不正常时.


In some cases, children may be born with rare forms of kidney disease, such as:

常染色体隐性多囊肾病: When large cysts grow in the kidneys and cause severe illness.

多囊性发育不良肾(MCDK)疾病: When the kidney does not develop properly, and cysts take over healthy tissue.


When children need a kidney transplant, they are eligible for one of the following transplant types:  

已故供体移植: 在这些类型的肾脏移植中, the donor kidney comes from someone who has suffered brain or cardiac death and has generously donated organs for transplant. In Los Angeles, the wait list for a deceased donor transplant can be several years.

活体供体移植: Living donors are often blood relatives or close friends. Finding a live donor match can decrease wait times and increase long-term survival. Only one in five people who want to donate are healthy enough to give a kidney. Children who do not have a living donor match may be placed on the waitlist for this type of kidney transplant or participate in our 肾脏交换计划.

多器官移植: 有些儿童可能需要不止一个器官移植. 在这些情况下, we work closely with experts in our other programs to transplant multiple organs in one operation. Our surgeons are skilled in all solid organ transplants, 包括心脏, 肺, 肝, 胰腺和小肠.


Experts at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital and Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center collaborate to provide comprehensive care for your child. Our kidney transplant team includes pediatric urologists, 肾移植外科医生和其他专家. 


呼叫 310-825-6836 to request an appointment with a specialist in the 儿童肾移植 Program at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.